Colorado Hunting Guides and Outfitters
Find and Book a Hunting Trip with Professional, Pre-Screened Colorado Hunting Guides / Outfitters.
Colorado Hunting
In addition to Rocky Mountain Elk hunting in Colorado, our outfitters and guides offer Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Antelope, Bighorn Sheep, Black Bear, and Mountain Lions hunts, plus a variety of upland game, turkeys and waterfowl hunting adventures. There are plenty of professional, experienced hunting guides and outfitters in Colorado to assure your hunt is safe and successful. We'll help you find a professional Colorado Hunting Guide / Outfitter for your next hunt, simply click Find A Hunt or select a gun or bow below after reviewing the Colorado Hunting information.
Colorado Hunting Summary
Colorado has hunting seasons for many big game species including Bighorn Sheep, Moose, Mule Deer, Whitetail Deer, Elk, Pronghorn Antelope, Black Bear, and Mountain Lion. While most Big Game licenses are allocated by the Draw, over-the-counter bull elk licenses are available during 2nd and 3rd rifle seasons. Colorado is the only state that offers over-the-counter bull elk tags. Over-the-counter archery elk and pronghorn licenses are also available. Finding a professional, experienced big game outfitter will go a long way towards having a safe and successful hunt. A hunter safety card is required if born on or after Jan. 1, 1949.
When most people think of Colorado, they think big game. However, Colorado boasts excellent pheasant hunting as well as quail hunting, chuckar and partridge hunting. Colorado wild turkey hunting consists of the Eastern sub-species in the plains, primarily along river drainages, and the Merriam sub-species in mountainous areas.
Colorado Hunts
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Colorado Elk Hunts
Colorado Mule Deer Hunts
Colorado Antelope Hunts
Spotlight Colorado Outfitter
Elk Basin Outfitters
Elk Basin Outfitters is a full service outfitter specializing in archery wilderness hunts. The Best Colorado elk hunting and mule deer hunting in the state.
We are a full time wilderness hunting outfitter offering a variety of services, from fully guided Colorado wilderness elk hunts to DIY (Do it yourself) or more commonly known as drop camp hunts. Whether it be for Colorado wilderness Elk, Colorado Mule Deer, Colorado Rocky Mountain Big Horn Sheep, or Colorado Mountain Goat we specialize in all Colorado archery hunts. Also available are Colorado summer time activities such as Colorado Pack-in trips, Colorado Horseback rides, and Colorado Fishing trips. Of course the best part is it all takes place in the majestic west elk wilderness of Colorado.
We currently have many square miles that contain thousands of acres of permitted use, which is filled with abundant game. So please come join us for a Colorado hunt of a life time.
Species Offered
For ALL Big Game, Waterfowl, Upland Bird, Varmint, and Small Game Hunts, visit Find A Hunt
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